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Municipality of Binn  

Switzerland – Public sector actor

The notion of public service refers to an activity or mission of general interest, undertaken by a public entity using the prerogatives of public authority. The notion of public service also refers to the body, organization, institution, administration, etc. managing the public service, with the aim of satisfying a need of general and collective interest.

Gathope lists national assemblies, governments, state councils, local authorities, communes, prefectures, cantons, districts and more. Gathope also lists associations, sports federations, universities, state-owned companies, companies with public shareholdings, public hospitals, etc. Gathope has the same objective as public services: to encourage the expression of public opinion with a view to identifying and prioritizing actions that will lead to concrete improvements in the service provided to users. Gathope gives authority to your opinions, views and constructive comments. Gathope aims to create a world of trust and closeness between leaders and followers.

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