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We work to bring leaders and followers closer together by taking into account all public opinions. We attach great importance to the satisfaction of users of public services. Evaluate. Comment. Share your experiences!
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GatHope N°17 from April 8 to 14, 2024
Issue from 08.04.2024
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GatHope N°16 from April 1 to 7, 2024
Issue from 01.04.2024
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GatHope N°15 from March 25 to 31, 2024
Issue from 25.03.2024
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GatHope N°14 from March 18 to 24, 2024
Issue from 18.03.2024
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Issue from 11.03.2024
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Shared opinions

  • New technologies offer new ways of expressing this democracy. However, two threats are looming: on the one hand, the inequality of citizens faced with digital technology, known as the digital divide; and, on the other, the risk associated with the use of public data, known as open data.

    David Lacombled Journalist
  • I believe in the genius of the people, as long as the mass media don't dumb them down and turn them into dumb masses.

    Michel Onfray Philosopher
  • Democracy is no longer a commitment to equality, but to the ability to be different, while being treated equally. It is no longer a demand for free expression, but for self-expression, so as not to sink into the black hole of globality.

    Shimon Peres Statesman, Politician, Minister, Prime Minister, President, Vice-President (1923 - 2016)
  • The most excellent symbol of the people is the cobblestone. You walk on it until it falls on your head.

    Victor Hugo Artist, Writer, Poet, Novelist, Philosopher
  • Democracy is the government of the people exercising unfettered sovereignty.

    Charles De Gaulle General, Statesman, Politician, Military, President (1890 - 1970)
  • Chance has never yet satisfied the hopes of a suffering people.

    Marcus Garvey Politician (1887 - 1940)
  • The Swiss show impressively that there is a difference between what is said in the pub and what the people think.

    Heiko Maas German Minister of Justice
  • Democracy should guarantee the weakest the same opportunities as the strongest.

    Gandhi Politician, philosopher, revolutionary (1869 - 1948)
  • Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people.

    Abraham Lincoln Statesman, President (1809 - 1865)
  • If we want real change, if we want greater authenticity and transparency, it will have to come from below, through our demands, our voice, but also through our consumer choices. We all have the power... the power of our wallets!

    Stéphane Torregrosa Communication assistant
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